I started this blog in my few days in Chicago before my adventure to Japan for the spring semester in 2014 at OGU, with the hopes that I would dutifully document my stories so that I may share with family, friends, and anyone else who might stumble across this page.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Memorial Service Lunch

After most of the family came to the house, and the Buddhist monk came and went for the ceremony, we all went to the famous crab place (the one with the massive, moving crap on the front of the building) for a massive lunch, in order to celebrate and remember the life of Masako-san's husband.

I have never seen crab (or any food for the matter) assembled and eaten so many different ways in one sitting.

First, the basics. How many different ways can you prepare and eat crab legs?

These legs were legitimately raw, so held off until later to boil them.


Sake, private little burners, crab, crab shells, and Masako-san, Shinji-san, Yukiko-san, and Isao-san!


Cooking crab meat in ground up and soupy crab innards within the shell of the crab. No, I did not try it, although Isao-san enjoyed it thoroughly, and Aikiko-san enjoyed the shell and remaining bits with sake added to the mix.


We got to make our own mini nabe/soup. I added the crab legs from earlier, much to my poor stomach's relief.


Crab with cheese in a hot dish (with other stuff too I think)!


Of course we had to have a serving of sushi as well! It's Japan ya know!



This was some kind of wet pudding/soup, a little like flan but with a completely different taste (egg instead of sugar I think)

This was a tea of some sort with a sakura (cherry blossom) bloom in it!

This was ice cream with maccha poured over the top. As you can see in the second image, the maccha was actually thick enough that when it cooled, it became more like a shell where it was in contact with the ice cream!

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