I started this blog in my few days in Chicago before my adventure to Japan for the spring semester in 2014 at OGU, with the hopes that I would dutifully document my stories so that I may share with family, friends, and anyone else who might stumble across this page.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

5-Day Tour of Hokkaido: Day 3

The third day's goal was to get back to Sapporo via Kushiro from Shari.

Here are pictures of Camp Clione, the first taken from the vantage point of my dorm's entrance.

This was the view from the entrance to the hostel, Mt. Shari if I recall correctly. I could do that every morning I think.

Yay One Piece! It was hanging over the another entrance to Camp Clione.

These fences were along most of the walk next to the main road from the hostel to the train station. These are some serious, industrial barriers.

Here's a closer look at the first leg of my trip, which I would take by local train all the way to Kushiro.

SOLAR PANELS, Shari, Hokkaido

(Mt.) Unabetsu-dake, with Shari in the foreground.

Mt. Shari, just south of Shari

Yep, 1-car local train, for about 4 hours.

Looking back from where we came, with the weird fences on the side, which was very common at all the train stations in northern Hokkaido.

Mind the Gap between the Train and the Platform (Japanese Style)

The following image definitely symbolizes a part of Hokkaido for me.

Yay, heavy farming equipment on local roads! Just like Iowa!

"みどり" means "green" in Japanese, which I thought fitting at this stop because it was so vibrantly green. The pictures do not do the color justice.

Of course, when I approach Mt. Iwo, the clouds and rain converged, obstructing much of my view for the remainder of my ride to Sapporo.

This is the view out the front of the train.

According to the maps, there was supposed to be a very large mountain here.

The next three images are of Kushiro Shitsugen National Park, where famous cranes stop for refuge.

Marimo!!! Literally balls of moss! They were so adorable! They grow naturally in one of the lakes I had just passed by.

A church in Kushiro that I think Dad would approve of, complete with red car.

Since I had plenty of time before catching my next train to Sapporo, I wandered around Kushiro. With some guidance, I was able to find the local fish market, where I sat down to eat chicken over rice. It was absolutely delicious, although I think the folks around me were a little confused as to why a foreigner was there.

This man and his wife were kind enough to let me take a picture of their shop/stall. Others had all sorts of crab, lobster, and so many fish!

After leaving the fish market, I wandered down to the port. Because it was raining, I only saw a few people, as they made their daily run through the park and along the waterfront.

At the park along the docks, I finally found a map, too! Yay! From here, I meandered my way back to the train station, with the help of zooming in on this image on my camera.

SOLAR PANELS, Kushiro, Hokkaido

Earthquakes and tidal waves won't be taking THIS building down anytime soon!

I bet they get a lot of snow...

New substitution for grass in your front yard! Carpets!

I thought this looked very similar to the park in Charles City!

And what building do you suppose this one is?

(Answer: The Newspaper)

Hello Kitty bus!

There is a famous bridge in Kushiro for viewing at sunset. I did not go check it out, but I took a picture of it and the other famous attractions at Kushiro to acknowledge their existences.




Nice fountain with cranes set in wall, next to the church, next to the train station:

Me geeking out over the pictures of different trains in Hokkaido, and also the map of the line I had traversed that morning.

Man, those cranes are tall! It came up to about my shoulder! (stuffed crane at the train station)

Super Ozora (train) from Kushiro to Sapporo! Yay!

SOLAR PANELS, between Kushiro and Obihiro, Hokkaido. Even the train was going very fast, I was still able to take several pictures of the panels- they were covering THAT MUCH distance!

Yay, waves! Training!

Even the upholstery of the Super Ozora had cranes on it!

Heh, I found a nice map in the train magazine..

And thus, I arrived safely back in Sapporo and stayed the night at Enishiya Guest House, which was quickly becoming home base for me! Thank you again Yuki-oneesan!!

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